behind “storyteller”

This tree is over 400 years old. I remember climbing on it as a kid then years later passed by it on a daily basis making my way to classes in college. But still amazed at how looped and twisted its branches were.

When I started this painting the thought of four hundred years was hard to wrap my mind around. 

With each little dot added one by one, I thought about how many stories it would have to tell. It witnessed celebration, heartbreak, mourning, healing, friendships building, oppression, mending, and redemption since before 1621. 

There was a bit of relief thinking about how small we are in the grand scheme of things. Most of us won’t change the world in the storybook kind of way but me most certainly can in the place we are right now. And all of our stories build on each other through the small decisions that add up. This piece was my reminder that we can make the space to listen to the people around us more than we speak, and use the interest and gifts we have to add more than we take. 

And may these small moments build to create more beautiful stories we can share to generations after us. 


behind “here i am”


behind “honest”