behind “morning grove”

It has always been a huge gathering spot for tailgating during football season with thousands of people packed under the trees.

As I got a little older, started waking up a little earlier, and beginning my days with a run through this grove it always amazed me by how peaceful and misty it was every morning. It would hold a complete chaotic celebration on game day but the following day be quiet and calm.

That reality served as an image of one place holding both celebration and peace, gathering and recharge, joy packed party busting at the seams and a place to get still and listen.

A reminder that we can do that too. We can hold contrasting realities and emotions simultaneously. Experience heartache and choose to find joy.

Feel overwhelmed and search for stillness. Get excited about an opportunity and feel a little fear.

Through creating this piece it would remind me to shift my mindset and look for what was working, what I am grateful for, and appreciate the lessons I was learning through quick or long stretches of uncertainty/any other feeling that isn’t so fun to feel.

It’s been a little light in my studio and just so happens so be tied to one of my favorite places


behind “STILL + grounded”